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What We Believe

We are a Presbyterian church adhering in worship and doctrine to the position adopted by the Church of Scotland at the Reformation. At the Disruption of the Church of Scotland in 1843, the Free Church of Scotland carried forward the spiritual identity, succession, and constitutional principles of the church of the Reformation. We hold as the confession of our faith the original 1647 version of the Westminster Confession of Faith, along with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms.


We believe that the religious truths espoused in Scotland and in many other places at the Reformation are faithful to the Word of God, and therefore are unchanging truths. As Americans, we labor to promote this same spiritual fidelity within our own land, and to develop church structures here which are committed to these truths by constitutional pledges.


The accompanying articles give expression to the pattern of biblical interpretation to which we adhere.


The articles in this section are taken from the articles of identity of the Presbytery of the United States in the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing), located at

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